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Marie Versiniの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Marie VERSINI (Winnetou) Success!!! - 2017年3月23日
Sent : 30/03/16 Received : 22/03/17 I sent a letter and a return envelope to: MARIE VERSINI 23 Résidence Elysée 1 78170 La Celle-Saint-Cloud France [imghttp://surfmypictures.com/photo/4f9a76997f2d274b/la391/IMG_8418.jpg[/img

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Marie Versini success - 2016年6月24日
Marie Versini success Sent : 18/06/16 Received : 24/06/16 I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mrs.Marie Versini Marie Versini 23 Résidence Elysée 1 78170 La Celle-Saint-Cloud France Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Marie Versini success - 2016年3月5日
Hi I received this very quick success . Sent SASE 25.2.2016 and receive it on 4.3. Used address from database. Marie Versini 23 Résidence Elysée 1 78170 La Celle-Saint-Cloud France

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marie versini succes - 2015年5月25日
hello marie versini succes 23 Residence Elysee F-78170 La Celle Saint-Claud France 7-5-15 20-5-15 received thanks

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Marie Versini 3 x success - 2015年3月3日
On 02/13/2015 I sent 3 pictures of Marie Versini . <img src= 2 images , in your role in Winnetou and 1 image was an actual frontal photo of the actress . Here is the address : Marie Versini 23 Elysee Residence 1 78170 La Celle- Saint-Cloud France On 24/02/2015 I got 2 of my photos back signed [germany<!-- s[germany --> .
The current frontal photo disappeared for an autograph card was enclosed with the inscription :
I was Winnetou's sister.

Pictures could be found as always on my Facebook page: <!-- s[uk --><img src= --><img src= https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autogram ... 7897699576 Many thanks Marie <img src= <img src=

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