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Mark Wahlbergの直筆サイン入り写真 (18 / 21ページ):

Mark Wahlberg Success!!!!! - 2012年2月22日
This is my second favorite Success ever. Rockstar is my favorite movie of all time and I took a picture of a scene with my camera and got it printed and sent it out to him and an additional picture from Shooter in the beginning of January 2012, and I got them both back signed today. I am very happy with this Success! He even included a piece of cardboard in my SASE so the pictures wouldnt bend. He is a great actor and very good to his fans. Sent: Around January 4 2012 SASE, LOR, one 8x10, and one 5x7 Received: February 21 2012 both pics signed Photo 1 and Envelope: - Picture 2: http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b45 ... 210442.jpg Mark Wahlberg Leverage Management 3030 Pennsylvania Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA

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Mark Wahlberg success w/ envelope picture - 2012年2月6日
sent to mark walberg a couple months ago received in january (last month) sent, two 4 by 6 photos,SASE,LOR, Mark Wahlberg Leverage Management 3030 Pennsylvania Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA - - -

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Mark Wahlberg - Success - 2012年1月23日
Sent: 18th October 2011 Received: 21st January 2012 Sent letter, 2 photos, $3 and SAE to Mark Wahlberg. Received my photos back signed First success of the year Address used: Leverage Management 3030 Pennsylvania Avenue Santa Monica CA 90404 USA - - -

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@^_^@ Mark Wahlberg Success! - 2012年1月10日
Hi guys. I sent a LOR, two 8x10 photos, and SASE to Mr.Wahlberg on Dec 28, 2011 and received them back signed on Jan 9th, 2012. I used the address in the database. Thank you for checking this post. Thank you Mr.Wahlberg. I really appreciate.

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Mark Wahlberg Success - 2012年1月8日
Sent three photos and SASE to address in database on 12-8-2011. Received three photos signed in my SASE on 1-7-2012. Mark Wahlberg Leverage Management 3030 Pennsylvania Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90404 USA - Anyone know if these are authentic?

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