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Mary Lambertの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Mary Lambert Success :) - 2015年12月8日
Hey y'all! It's been a long time since I've had any good successes. I sent an email request out to Mary Lambert & received it a couple days ago. I sent it as an email request <img src= She also included a pre-written letter. I'm sure it's secreterial, but, I'm happy with it! Sent: Nov. 24th Received: Dec. 5th Address on envelope: Mary Lambert 2606 2nd Ave. #161 Seattle, WA 98121 Envelope: Letter: Autographed photo:

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Mary Lambert Email Success - 2014年12月19日
Hey everyone! I sent an email to Mary Lambert's management in September, I had received an email back the very same day telling me to purchase one on her website, but today I received an autographed photo and a thank you note directly from her! Sadly, she bent the photo in half, and the letter, but overall I am very happy with my success! Sent: 9/23/2014 Received: 12/18/2014 Address on Envelope: ML Sings 2608 2nd Ave #161 Seattle, WA 98121 Envelope: Photo: Letter: Have a great day! -John Madigan

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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