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Maureen O'Haraの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Maureen O'Hara SUCCESS - 2011年8月30日
Sent: 5th August 2 photos, letter, 2 IRC, SA Envelope Received: 30th August 1 photo signed and dedicated, returned the other photo

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Maureen O'Hara Success :) - 2011年8月18日
SENT: 21 Jul 2011 LOR SSAE 2 x 8x10's & bookplate RCVD: 18 Aug 2011 8x10 & bookplate autographed & dedicated, the other 8x10 was not returned (it was not for me, I asked for it for to be dedicated to my mother) in my ssae Address used: P.O. Box 808 Bantry County Cork IRELAND Autographs: my ssae:

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Maureen O'Hara SUCCESS BUT PLEASE READ THIS POST!!!!! - 2011年7月11日
Sent : LOR, photo and SASE on 20/6/2011 Received : dedicated signed photo in my SASE on 8/7/2011 BUT..... Also in my envelope were TWO dedicated signed photos that are obviously meant for other people!!!! I have posted links to the images below - if these are yours, please PM me, and I will send on to you if you pay the postage!! Hope these photos find their home.... My photo and envelope The two other photos

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Maureen O'Hara Success!!! So Happy!!!! - 2011年5月11日
I sent my LOR photo and SASE overseas 12/7/2010, and had been in communication with June Beck the whole time, MY first attempt was never received so June asked Ms. O'Hara to send me a replacement one, and I got it in the mail today. 5/10/2011 I am very grateful and extremely thankfully, because Maureen O'Hara is my absolute favorite. Envelope had AZ address on it.

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