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Megan Hiltyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Megan Hilty RTS :( - 2013年9月9日
I sent a letter to Megan Hilty through Perennial Entertainment and it was RTS. Oh well. I'll try her VV with Sean Saves the World.

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Megan Hilty (SMASH)!! :) - 2012年3月12日
I was BEYOND Excited to get this Back, I havnt seen SUCCESSES from her at all!! : ) I Sent her a letter and SAE and she sent her own photo back, and on the back of that she Put a bright orange Sticky note, SHE READ MY LETTER and wrote back!! I was so happy, i would of never expected it! Shes such a wonderful person! Everyone make sure to watch SMASH on Monday nights (Tonight!) Sent: Feb 25th Recieved: TODAY! Address: SMASH SET Envelope: none Photo and Letter!:: http://autographstosarah.webs.com/apps/ ... =151351869

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Megan Hilty (9 to 5, Wicked) Success - 2009年7月20日
Sent: July 2nd 2009 Received: July 17th 2009 Address used: Megan Hilty Marquis Theatre 1535 Broadway New York, NY 10036 I sent her a letter, SAE & IRC and got two pictures back, one is personalized. Picture:

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Megan Hilty Lovely Success!!! - 2009年7月16日
I wrote to Ms. Hilty c/o 9 to 5: The Musical about 2 weeks ago and got my reply yesterday. I was thrilled to see this in my mailbox. I've always loved her work on Broadway including her performances as Glinda in Wicked and also as Doralee in 9 to 5. Being a Broadway buff (and a huge fan) this was a great success for me. Sorry about the flash. Here's a better photo of the signature. I'm on the heavier side and I'm struggling with weight loss. In my letter I included how I felt that Ms. Hilty was a great role model for a positive body image and she was kind enough to write me a very sweet letter back. I originally had included the letter in my post, but removed it because I felt it was too personal since Ms. Hilty had commented on her own life experiences.

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