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Melinda Shankarの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Melinda Shankar Success - 2013年2月12日
Melinda Shankar (Degrassi) Sent: [list:02/01/2013[/list:u: Received: [list:02/12/2013 (11 days)[/list:u: Address Used: Email Signed: 1/0 - *Any thoughts on authenticity are always welcome!

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Degrassi Success!(Luke Bilyk, Melinda Shankar, Jessica Tyler - 2012年8月29日
Sent LOR to the Degrassi Cast (Melinda, Luke, Jessica and Alicia) I recieved Melinda, Luke and Jessica in the mail! Sent: 8/10/12 Recieved: 8/27/12 Address Used: Degrassi Epitome Pictures, Inc. 220 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1G1 Canada Envelope: - Luke: - Melinda: - Jessica: - Super happy with this! But sad that there was no more Alicia photos. <img src=

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A Degrassi Success! (Melinda Shankar / Dylan Everett) - 2012年8月23日
Hi, everyone! Today a received a PP (I think <img src= ) success. This is actually a email success, and the email I used was on Epitomes website. The email I used was, info at epitomepictures.com and it usually takes 4-7 business days. <img src= Sent: August 17, 2012 What: A email. Received: (Today) August 23, 2012 What: 2 photos of Melinda Shankar and Dylan Everett and a printed letter. Total Wait: 4 business days Letter: - Melinda: - Dylan: - Envelope: - Great success, even though they l at at k like PPs. At least, it only took 4 business days. <img src=

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