Melody Thomas Scottの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):
Melody Thomas Scott Success - 2013年7月23日 On August 22nd, 2012, I sent veteran "Young & the Restless" star Melody Thomas Scott a LOR & SASE. Just a month shy of a year later, Melody sent me back her own envelope. Enclosed were two 5x7 personalized photographs and a letter in which she refers to my LOR, so you know she read it.
Date Sent: August 22, 2012
Date Received: July 23, 2013
Address Used:
Melody Thomas Scott
"The Young and The Restless"
CBS Television
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Suite 3305
Los Angeles, CA 90036
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Melody Thomas Scott - 2012年8月3日 Just sent a letter & picture to Melody Thomas Scott
(Nikki Newman) on The Young & The Restless on
April 2011 & today received my picture back signed
& she even sent one of her own.
Address Used:
Melody Thomas Scott
C/O The Young & The Restless
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Blvd. Suite #3305
Los Angeles, CA. 90036
Envelope & Pictures
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