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Memphis Grizzliesの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Zach Randolph (Memphis Grizzlies) - 2012年10月16日
This got thrown in "IS THIS ADDRESS STILL UP TO DATE". Don't put it there. If I got a RTS from the post office for an invalid address then there is no doubt that the address is NOT UP TO DATE. Zach Randolph (Memphis Grizzlies) Mailed: 9/27/12 (2) 5x7 Returned: 10/12/12 RTS BAD ADDRESS... needs to be updated. Sent it to the Memphis Grizzlies P.O. BOX address in the database.

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Memphis Grizzlies coach- NBA star Lionel Hollins success - 2011年12月16日
sent letter, photo, and large SASE on 11/28/11 to Lionel Hollins Memphis Grizzlies PO Box 3463 Memphis TN 38173 rcvd photo back signed with added inscription 1977 NBA champs on 12/15/11 envelope blank except for my SASE http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/hollins001.jpg

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Shane Battier-Grizzlies Success (Memphis Grizzlies) - 2011年5月4日
Sent letter and large SASE on 3/10/11 to Shane Battier Memphis Grizzlies Po Box 3463 Memphis TN 38173 rcvd signed/personalized color 4x4 photo on 4/28/11 envelope blank except for my SASE -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Hayley Atwell Success
Robert Redford Pre-Print "success"
Daniel Radcliffe Failure
Nfl Kayshon Boutte Fail / Rts (New England Patriots)
Nba Darnell Mee Fail / Rts
Actor Nicholas Mele, Fast Success
Vanna White And Ryan Seacrest Success (Wheel Of Fortune)
Karl Dykhuis Nhl Success
Olga Kurylenko Success



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