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Michael C. Hallの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Michael C. Hall "Dexter" Amazing and fast success! - 2011年6月29日
What a surprised when i saw I received today a signed picture I sent to Michael C.Hall only 2 weeks ago! Im really happy with this success as Michael C Hall is one of my favorite actor ever, and Dexter my favorite TV Show <img src= I used the address of the database: -

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Michael C. Hall Success 3x - 2011年6月28日
Hi everyone, today has been a great day because I finally got one of my very most wanted: Michael C. Hall. I had tried him at the New York address before, but never got anything back, so I decided to give it another shot by writing to him to the set of his TV show Dexter and Im so glad I did. He signed all 3 of my photos (2 personalized) and it only took 27 days. This definitely ranks as one of my most favorite successes to date. I couldnt be happier. <img src= [ugotmail Sent: LOR, SASE and 3 8x10 photos Date sent: 6/1/2011 Date received: 6/28/2011 Address used: Michael C. Hall "Dexter" Sunset-Gower Studios 1438 N. Gower St. Hollywood, CA 90028-8306 USA Scans: - - -

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Another Michael C. Hall! Long Wait NYC Address! - 2011年6月27日
Today I received Michael C. Hall again for the 2nd time in a week! This one was sent back in August 2010 to the New York address. I know all the recent successes have been sent to the Dexter address in Cali so I figured people would be exited to see this one! Hope everyone elses come back soon! Check out scans on my site http://timsautographs.blogspot.com/ Michael C. Hall Authentic Talent and Literary Management 45 Main St. Suite 1004 Brooklyn, NY 11201 ***Postmarked from CA***

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Michael C. Hall Success!! Dexter Morgan! - 2011年6月27日
Hello Everyone, I am ecstatic, because today I got one of my most wanted, and that is Michael C. Hall who plays Dexter Morgan on the show Dexter. I tried the NY address in the database but I never got anything back so when I found out they were going to start filming for Season 6 at the end of May, I knew I had to try. I was really hoping to get mine back after seeing a couple of people get theres back. Rzlost and Timmoskal, awsome custom cards by the way guys! I got 3 requests back today, which I sent all on the same day, and all 3 SASEs came back uncanceled. I sent him 2 DVD Inserts, LOR, and SASE, and I got both DVD Inserts back signed. Sent: 6/3/2011 Received: 6/27/2011 Address: Michael C. Hall "Dexter" Sunset-Gower Studios 1438 N. Gower St. Hollywood, CA 90028-8306 USA Pic: http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a195/ ... ue/4-6.jpg Envelope: http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a195/ ... g99/44.jpg

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Michael C. Hall !! Scans! - 2011年6月20日
One of my most wanted successes, Mr. Michael C. Hall (Dexter) signed 2/2 for me in 18 days sent to the address below. Really pumped to get this! Tried the New York address back in January and never heard back but I was shocked with 18 days only! Check out the scans here! http://timsautographs.blogspot.com/ Michael C. Hall "Dexter" Sunset-Gower Studios 1438 N. Gower St. Hollywood, CA 90028

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