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Michael Fassbenderの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Michael Fassbender success - 2013年7月24日
Sent around a year ago, with LOR, SASE, and two pictures, received both pictures back signed <img src= Think this is my longest wait <img src= - -

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Michael Fassbender Personalised Success! - 2013年7月23日
So I sent a picture, letter and SASE to the address in the database over a year ago and I was so shocked to see that I had recieved an awesome response from Michael today! Just to clarify the address was: Michael Fassbender Troika 10A Christina Street London, EC2A 4PA UK - Hes written To Millie, Lots of love, M.fassbender xxx So so so sooo pleased with this response as I had lost all sense of hope and forgotten id even sent the letter!

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Michael Fassbender Success! x3!! - 2012年3月22日
Just after X-Men First Class was released (cant remember when that was) I sent a LOR, 3 photos and SASE to Michael and today I received my 3 photos back signed, 2 personalised, with a small note. I think hes going to be a huge actor one day so Im so glad to get him now! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

Address Used:

Michael Fassbender
3rd Floor
74 Clerkenwell Road
London, EC1M 5QA

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Michael Fassbender Success! - 2012年3月21日
Got this today and very happy. Sent on: About 25th November 2011 Sent: LOR, X-Men First Class Blu Ray Slipcover, SASE Address Used: Michael Fassbender Troika 3rd Floor 74 Clerkenwell Road London, EC1M 5QA UK - - -

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Michael Fassbender - 2012年3月21日
:razz:<!-- s:razz: --> Michael fassbender June 11- March 12
Adress Fanmail (Thanks)
sign all 3 pics

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