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Michael Massiminoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Astronaut Michael Massimino Updated address - 2020年7月7日
Astro Mike Media 29 Claremont Ave, #8N New York, NY 10027 Sent: 6-12-20 Recd 7-7-20 Comment: Recd 8x10 color inscribed NASA photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/7lkfj.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/i0h1d.html

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Michael Massimino Shuttle Astronaut - 2018年8月13日
Michael James Massimino (born August 19, 1962) is an American professor of mechanical engineering at Columbia University and a former NASA astronaut. He is the senior advisor of space programs at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in May 1996, Massimino reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1996. He completed two years of initial training and evaluation and qualified for flight assignment as a mission specialist. Prior to his first space flight assignment, Massimino served in the Astronaut Office Robotics Branch, and in the Astronaut Office Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Branch. After the October 4, 2013 release of the movie Gravity with Sandra Bullock, Massimino commented on the scientific reliability of the movie. It was also suggested that the role played by George Clooney was partially based on Massimino's spacewalk performance. On July 29, 2014, Massimino announced that he would be leaving NASA to pursue a teaching career at Columbia University, in New York City. In 2017, Massimino hosted Science Channel's live coverage of the total solar eclipse of August 21, dubbed the "Great American Eclipse." Soon after, he became host of Science's The Planets, an in-depth look at the planets of the solar system as well as dwarf planets and exoplanets. The series was renewed for a second season, which began airing in 2018 under the new title The Planets and Beyond. He also hosted an online companion series, Ask the Astronaut, in which he talked about his personal experiences of spaceflight. Missions STS-109, STS-125 Sent him 2 photos on 3 Feb 2017 and got them back signed on 13 Aug 2018 Dr Michael Massimino 15814 Elk Park Lane Houston, TX 77062

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