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Michelle Keeganの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Michelle Keegan Success - 2014年5月5日
Sent: LOR, SASE and 1 Photo Received: My Photo back signed in my SASE Address: Sent to the old studio, they have recently moved New Address: c/o Coronation Street, ITV, Trafford Wharf Road, Stretford, Manchester, M17 1AU, UK Photo:

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Michelle Keegan ( Coronation Street ) SUCCESS! - 2014年3月20日
Sent : Sometime In May 2013 : LOR, UnStamped SAE Received : Signed Cast Card In SAE Sent Via : Granada Studios -

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Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre - Corrie) Success :) - 2014年3月15日
Heey <img src= I sent Michelle a LOR & SASE April 29th 2013, and I received back a signed cast card in my SASE March 14th 2014 <img src= I used the old Corrie address, so dont forget the new address below <img src= *NEW ADDRESS* Coronation Street, ITV, Trafford Wharf Road, Stretford, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M17 1AU UK. Photo - - Envelope - -

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Michelle keegan success!!!!!!!!!!!soap actor corrie!!! - 2013年8月14日
A few days ago I got this back in the mail I sent to the address in the database And I sent it about 1 month ago if that she seems to be really good with her fans Considering shes one of Uks best actors...its a really good Photo that I got back signed she also sent a corranation street cast cardI think it looks brilliant! Comments on authenticity are welcome! Could you please like my page!!!! Regards Tom Michelle keegan signed photo and card: - Thanks for looking please like my page!!!

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Michelle Keegan Success!! (Tina - Coronation Street) - 2011年9月12日
[color=#000000 Sent: 22nd Jan 2011 Recieved: 8th July 2011 Sent: 1 picture, Letter and SSAE Recieved: 1 picture, personalised. The picture and the envelope: Sent to address in database, really happy with the success!!! [/color

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