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Michelle Van Der Waterの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Michelle van der Water personalized success - 2012年8月30日
Received : August 30, 2012 I sent a message to Michelle thru her fb page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Michelle- ... 1813965453 and she sent me a 8 x 10 photo. Thanks Michelle -

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Michelle Van Der Water success - 2012年8月14日
Sent: ?/7/12 I sent email to her official website http://www.michellevanderwater.com Recieved: 14/8/12 Recieved a Singed Photo! <img src= Picture: http://rzelik7.blogspot.com/2012/08/michelle-van-der-water.html Envelope: -

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Michelle Van Der Water E-mail Success! - 2012年8月7日
I sent an email to Michelle Van Der Water about a week ago through her official website (http://www.michellevanderwater.com). On Saturday (8/04/12) I received a signed and personalized photo. I was very pleased with the autograph. You can find her fan mail address on the picture of the envelope. Autograph: - Envelope: -

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Michelle Van Der Water success !!! - 2012年7月19日
- sent a email and got this TTM

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Michelle Van Der Water success! - 2011年12月27日
Hi. I sent a message to actress Michelle Van Der Water and also asked for an autograph from her. Sent: 12/9/11 Received: 12/24/11 (15 days in return) She has guest starred on t.v. series like "Castle" and was the facial model for the Resident Evil 5 video game character "Sheva Alomar." I think shes a very good actress. <img src= Pic: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23 ... 0006m.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/82 ... 004nx.jpg/

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