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Mike Eruzioneの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):

Mike Eruzione success - 2012年9月6日
Today 9/6/12 i got in the mail my email i putt out to mike eruzione for his autograph over labor day weekend. I got it today and it is areally nice success. if you would like mike eruzionies autograph email him at. eruzione at bu.edu with your name and address.

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Mike Eruzione great email success! - 2012年8月5日
Today I received a personally signed and inscribed "80 Gold" 5X7 by former hockey legend Mike Eruzione! The autograph is authentic and it appears that he used a silver paint pen which lasts forever. Thanks, Mike! Email used: Eruzione at bu.edu Date sent: 7/17/2012 Date received: 8/4/202 -

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Mike Eruzione Email SUCCESS!! - 2012年7月5日
Sent an email to him on 6/23/12 and received a signed 5x7 from him today, July 5th. The photo was inscribed "80 / GOLD." I used the email address I have seen mentioned on the board / in the database. Photo: - Envelope: -

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@^_^@ Mike Eruzione Success! - 2012年2月4日
Hi guys. I sent an email to Mr.Eruzione on Jan 28th, 2012. I received a signed small photograph on Feb 4th, 2012. This is a great addition to my hockey stuff. I have been crazy about hockey since I went to the every first game in my life years back. Thank you for checking this post. Thank you Mr.Eruzione. I really appreciate.

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Mike Eruzione - 2011年6月6日
Sent on june 2nd 2011 Received June 6th 2011, very quick sent him an e-mail requeating an autograph and received it 3 mail days later. - -

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