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Mike Schmidtの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

MLB Mike Schmidt FAILURE! FAKE/GHOST SIGNATURE 12/17/19 - 2019年12月18日
Sent LOR, SASE, and 84 Donruss card on 7/30/19 to: Mike Schmidt c/o National Baseball Hall of Fame 25 Main St Cooperstown, NY 13326. Got response 12/17/19 (140 days), card returned, signed in black marker. If you look up certified pack-pulled authentic autographs and PSA/JSA certified autographs, I think you'll agree, this card was NOT signed by Schmidt. I had heard/read this address was handled by a "ghost" signer, but I wanted to see for myself. And everything returned from this address is always postmarked Wilmington, Delaware. Do the research yourself and make your own decision, but...I'm 100% confident this is a fake/forgery. http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/smfe6.html

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Mike Schmidt - 2013年5月18日
Sent to MLB HOF on 5-6-13. Received these back today. Im guessing ghost signed but I dont know. Mike Schmidt National Baseball Hall of Fame 25 Main Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 -

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Mike Schmidt - Baseball HOF - success - 2011年5月5日
Mike signed my index card Used the address in the database Sent 4/20/11 Received 5/5/11 -

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