Miranda Hartの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 5ページ):
Miranda Hart Amazing Sucess !! - 2013年10月19日 -
I sent a LOR, SSAE , to
10a Christina Street
London EC2A 4PA
sent-September 1st 2013 and yesterday 18th 0ctober 2013
recieved this autograph from miranda !!
pm if you have any questions, or if you would like to trade addresses for any other autographs that you may want (i have loads, chances are i have what you are looking for)
leave a message me on authenticates |
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Miranda Hart Success - 2013年4月11日 I love Miranda and was so excited when I got her autograph in the mail last week!
Sent: LOR, SASE, 2 Photos and a Card, Mid February
Received: My 2 Photos and Card Unsigned But 2 Photos of Her Own Which She Signed!
Time Took: 2 Months
Address Used:
Miranda Hart
10A Christina Street
London, EC2A 4PA
Photo: (Sorry For Blurriness)
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Miranda Hart success!!!!! - 2013年4月8日 It was so strange how I got this autograph because I was watching Miranda Series 2 on DVD and while I was watching it I heard the letterbox so I went to check if there was anything for me and then I noticed that there was one for me... so I opened it and there was a Miranda Hart autograph hahahah Such fun!. -->
I sent it to the TROIKA address in the database.
I sent: A letter and a SASE on 22nd of January 2013
I received: An autograph on 8th of March 2013
ALSO: again I am so sorry for the bad quality pictures
Autograph: http://postimg.org/image/qxp6vrlgv/
Envelope: http://postimg.org/image/bqdsp5izz/
I AM SO Happy!!! I Miranda I have recently sent to: the rest of Miranda cast so I hope I get them soon. | |
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Miranda Hart SUCCESS!!! - 2013年4月3日 Sent a autograph request in February received 3/4/2013
Im so happy I Love her so much, this made my day complete
I used this address...
Miranda Hart
10A Christina Street
London, EC2A 4PA
Envelope- http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/326/ ... volope.jpg
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Miranda Hart Success! - 2013年3月7日 I sent a joint letter off to Miranda with my friend asking for her autograph which contained two SASE's about 4 months ago (December 2012). Yesterday (6th March 2013) we both recieved an autograph back each. It was good to get them both at the same time and sooner than anticipated! Hope this helps any one querying the address, as we used the one in the database. |
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