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Miroslav Kloseの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Miroslav Klose Success - 2021年7月24日
I sent a letter to the German Soccer Play Miroslav Klose on 05/24/2021 and it returned on 07/16/2021. He attached an autograph card. He leads the Alltime statistic of WM-Goals. Used adress: ASBW Sport Marketing GmbH Rübsanger Straße 52 65551 Limburg Germany http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/221zs.html

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Autograph of Miroslav Klose - 2021年7月9日
I send on 20.3.2021 to Miroslav Klose a picture, a letter and a return envelope. On 29.4.2021 I get my picture unsigned and an autograph card. Address: Miroslav Klose, Klose Marketing GmbH, Am neuen Weg 15, 66869 Blaubach, Germany Picture are on my Instagram page.

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Miroslav Klose Success - 2018年9月28日
Sent 2 x 6x4 to Miroslav Klose, and received them today back signed. I used the address below. c/o Klose Marketing GmbH Am Neuen Weg 15 66869 Blaubach Germany Photo available here - http://surfmypictures.com/image/1da71b2 ... 32v1h.html

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Miroslav Klose - 2017年9月21日
After 6 weeks I received back Miroslav Klose. I wrote the letter to his home address. He signed 11 Pictures, but he didn't add an autograph card FIFA World Top Scorer World Champion 2016 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Miroslav Klose - 2015年7月30日
I used address in the database Miroslav Klose Klose's autograph. I received this autograph by sending a envelope to his agency. I waited around 4 months for this autograph. I sent a SAE with 2 euros inside, a LOR, and a photo. He did not sign my photo, but gave a pre signed card. Miroslav Klose is the top scorer of worldcup. Great success for me. Via: Mail Waited time: 4 months Received: 05.07.15 Sent: around April Dedication: No Sent: SAE with a LOR, 2 euros, and a picture picture: https://www.facebook.com/PhiLongsAutogr ... 7363013393 or http://surfmypictures.com/image/bb891d9 ... co2a3.html

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