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Misty Mayの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Great Misty May-Treanor Success - 2012年11月25日
A little over a week ago, I sent a LOR to Misty and two days ago she sent me a BEAUTIFUL personalized autograph. I used the address in the data base. So awesome. Misty May-Treanor 2892 North Bellflower Blvd. Suite 482 Long Beach, CA 90815-1125 USA Successes: Donald Trump, Ariana Grande (PP), Daniel Radcliffe (PP), Kelly Clarkson, Chad Henne (IP), Selena Gomez (Studio FanMail) It is authentic. You can see the light and heavy spots of the ink.

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Misty May-Treanor (USA Beach Volleyball) - 2012年11月7日
I sent Misty May-Treanor 2 cards, a LOR, and SASE about a month ago and got both back the other day, one personalized. You can see photos and a full write up on my blog: http://collectorscrack.blogspot.com/2012/11/ttm-success-misty-may-treanor.html - - TTM Stats Date Sent 10/10/12 Date Recieved 11/5/12 Address used Misty May-Treanor 2892 N Bellflower Suite #482 Long Beach, CA 90815-1125

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Misty May Success! - 2012年9月17日
I am really excited to receive my two signed and personalized photos and a newspaper clipping! <img src= Received: Sep. 17th -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Glenn Bass (Former Buffalo Bills Wr) Success!
Nfl Emmanuel Forbes, Jr Fail / Rts (Los Angeles Rams)
Nhl Stu Barnes Success (Tri-City Americans)



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