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Mitt Romneyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Mitt Romney - RTS - 2016年8月29日
Mitt Romney Mailed: 7/18/16 (2) 5x7 Received back RTS last week. I sent to his P.O. Box address in Mass. that's on his website

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Mitt Romney Email Success! - 2012年11月2日
Sent: 10/09/12 Received: 11/02/12 I sent an email request about a month ago to: http://www.mittromney.com/. I got this it the mail today. Im really happy with it. Please no negative comments. Thank you! http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g259/ ... c798c2.jpg

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Mitt Romney... - 2012年9月29日
Mitt Romney, Gov., Pres. Candidate. Sent: 7/2/12, Rec: 9/3/12,… 63 days!! Sent email to: www.mittromney.com (contact us link) Got prepint 8x10 glossy and a nice stock letter. Thanks Mr. Romney and Fanmail.biz!!! - - -

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Mitt Romney (Email) Success! - 2012年9月17日
I sent an email to Mitt Romney on the contact me form on his official website, sometime in mid July or early August, asking for an autograph. On September 13, I opened a big white envelope to see an autograph from him! At first glance, I thought it was a preprint, but after looking closely, I can tell it isn't, because many reasons, especially because the marker smudges and fades in numerous places. I'm happy to have this, as I hope he becomes the next USA president! *prepares for long, controversial political argument to take place below this thread* :razz: Autographed photo: Envelope:

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Mitt Romney Success - 2012年7月7日
sent a email via his website http://www.mittromney.com/ under contact got this 2 weeks later. -

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