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Molly C. Quinnの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Molly C. Quinn Personalized Success! - 2012年4月20日
I read a lot of the tips on this site,this info helped me get my first ever autographed photo from an actress! I received my autographed photo from Molly Quinn earlier today! Sent: March 23rd 2012 9x12 SASE Received: April 19th 2012 personalized 8x10 Address Used: Molly Quinn 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #292 Valley Village, CA 91607 (from her twitter account) (Sorry for the crappy camera phone pictures) - - Molly also included a thin piece of cardboard in the envelope, to protect the photo from getting bent!

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Molly C. Quinn success (x2) - 2012年4月19日
Sent: 16 Mar 2012 - letter, two 5x7s, two 4x6 prints of some Photoshop art I made, 5.25x7.25 SASE, all in 5.5x8.5 envelope Received: 18 Apr 2012 - signed one 5x7 and personalized and signed the other 5x7! Address Used: Molly Quinn 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #292 Valley Village, CA 91607 USA - - - This is my second time writing to Molly - and second quick response! You can tell she really makes time for, and appreciates, her fans. She even included a thin piece of cardboard in the envelope to help keep the photos from bending on the return trip.

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Molly C. Quinn success - 2012年3月8日
Sent: 10 Feb 2012 - letter, 8x10, 9x12 SASE (photomailer), all in 10x13 envelope Received: 8 Mar 2012 - personalized and signed 8x10 that was sent Address Used: Molly Quinn 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #292 Valley Village, CA 91607 USA [Database address is incorrect. - - Very pleased and excited with my first response from the tons Ive sent - and with less than a month turnaround time! Miss Quinn rocks. <img src=

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Molly C. Quinn SUCCESS - 2011年11月25日
My "Castle" collection continues to fill out! After getting the wonderful Susan Sullivan this summer, I got a signed photo earlier this week from Molly Quinn, whos really getting some great dramatic and comedic moments this season. I hope this streak continues with the other actors I wrote to via the "Castle" set! SENT: October 11, 2011 RECEIVED: November 22, 2011 Molly C. Quinn c/o "Castle" Raleigh Studios Clune Building, 2nd Floor 5300 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 USA The address on her return label (which is also the fanmail address listed on her Twitter account) is: 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #292 Valley Village, CA 91607 SENT: LOR, SASE, 4x6 photo RECEIVED: 4x6 photo signed and personalized - -

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Molly C. Quinn Success - 2011年10月19日
Sent 9/12/11 LOR, SASE, 2 8x10, Received 2 signed 8x10 Address used which was incorrect, my letter was forwarded Osbrink Talent Agency 4343 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 100 Universal City, CA 91602 This is the current address 4804 Laurel Canyon Blvd #292 Valley Village, CA 91607 http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/mollyquinn.JPG http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/mollyquinn2.JPG http://invictussoftware.com/Autographs/ ... innenv.JPG

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