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Muggsy Boguesの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Muggsy Bogues success x5 - 2018年2月2日
sent him 5 TCs on 1-13-17 & got them back all signed today 2-2-18. Here's the addy I used: 2318 Houston Branch Rd. Charlotte, NC. 28270

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Muggsy Bogues Success - 2014年1月19日
This is my longest return to date; I honestly thought this was long gone. Great success and Im thrilled it came back! He also included a note as well. Sent: 12/27/12 Received: 1/17/14 Sent to: Muggsy Bogues 2318 Houston Branch Rd Charlotte, NC 28270-0795 - -

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Muggsy Bogues success x3 - 2013年9月18日
Sent this great baller 3 trading cards back on 3-7-11 & got them back on 5-30-13. Muggsy Bogues 2318 Houston Branch Rd. Charlotte, NC. 28270

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Muggsy Bogues (Charlotte Hornets) Success *2 Speperate* - 2013年6月5日
On 7-12-11, I sent a LOR, SASE, and basketball card to Muggsy Bogues: Muggsy Bogues 2318 Houston Branch Road Charlotte, NC 28270-0795 Additionally, I tried a second time with Mr. Bogues on 3-12-12 at the same address. On 6-3-13, I received both of my cards back autographed in their respective SASE's.

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ex-NBA player Muggsy Bogues SUCCESS :) - 2012年8月20日
Sent: June 18, 2012 Received: August 20, 2012 I sent 3 cards + sase to Muggsy in June, and he signed all of them with a note. For me, Hes the Little Giant in NBA history! Thanks! Address Used: Muggsy Bogues 2318 Houston Branch Rd Charlotte, NC 28270-0795 USA -

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