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Myron Pottiosの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Myron Pottios American Football - 2015年11月14日
Myron Joseph Pottios (born January 18, 1939 in Van Voorhis, Pennsylvania) is a former American football linebacker in the National Football League for the Washington Redskins, Los Angeles Rams, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. He was elected to play in 3 Pro Bowls. Member of the Steelers' All Legends Team. 1961-1965 Pittsburgh Steelers 1966-1970 Los Angeles Rams 1971-1973 Washington Redskins Sent him 2 cards of 11 Sep and got both back signed on 14 Nov Mr Myron Pottios 10744 Chestnut St, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2347

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Myron Pottios (fmr Steelers, Rams, Redskins, Linebacker) - 2013年1月23日
Sent this guy a trading card back on 10-22-12 & got it back on 11-8-12. Here's the addy I used: 80688 Camino San Gregorio Indio, CA 92203-7435

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Myron Pottios (Frmr Redskins mlb) success - 2012年1月31日
On 1/23/12 I sent a letter, card and SASE to Myron Pottios, former middle linebacker for the Washington Redskins. He helped anchor the "Over the Hill" gang, plus he has such a classic name. On 1/30/12 I received the card and it was personalized. The addy I used is: 80688 Camino San Gregorio, Indio, CA 92203 -

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