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New York Rangersの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

New York Rangers - Marian Gaborik Failure - 2013年2月22日
Sent a request to Marian Gaborik through the New York Rangers fan mail address Beginning of January 2013 and received my self return envolope back with my photos unsigned on the 22nd of February 2013 The Address I used was New York Rangers 2 Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10121 U.S.A

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Dylan McIlrath (New York Rangers Prospect) - 2012年9月15日
Sent LOR, 1 Card, 1 Photo and SASE Received Card & Photo Back Signed Sent c/o New York Rangers Took 28 Days Video (please subscribe): [youtubeGu6QetNfwrE[/youtube Envelope is shown on video.

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Ryan Callahan - New York Rangers Captain - 2012年6月26日
Sent 2 Photos, LOR and SASE Received both my photos signed with an additional Rangers club card, in my SASE Took 75 Days. Used New York Rangers address. Youtube video Photo 1 (7x5) Photo 2 (6x4) No picture of envelope.

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Ex-NY Ranger star Adam Graves success (New York Rangers) - 2012年4月16日
sent letter and large SASE on 5/21/11 to: Adam Graves New York Rangers 2 Pennsylvania Plaza New York NY 10121 rcvd two signed color 6x9 photo cards on 4/16/12 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/513/gravesi.jpg

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Henrik Lundqvist (New York Rangers & Sweden) - 2011年12月29日
I got this as a Christmas present as I'm a huge New York Rangers Fan. I asked my Dad where he got it from, and he said that he wrote off to a few New York Rangers players to see if any of them would send him a signed photo, Lundqvist was the only request he received before Christmas. He told me he sent the letters to Madison Square Garden, all with International Reply Coupons in the envelopes. I have no idea what the letter said, but It must have been a good one to get one sent back in time for Christmas. [uPicture:[/u

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