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Nico Rosbergの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Nico Rosberg Success! - 2012年10月17日
I sent to his Monaco address on Aug 23, and got back a signed card from him today. He is a really cute driver! <img src= http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_90b1ec0801013k9s.html - -

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Nico Rosberg SUCCESS! - 2012年10月10日
photo this my weibo~~~

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Nico Rosberg success (e-mail) - 2012年10月8日
hey i send a e-mail end of september or start of october. and get a autograph from Nico on October 8th, 2012 here is the autograph and envelope: - dont ask for the e-mail adress, i dont give it out!!

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Nico Rosberg (F1 Driver) email success! - 2012年10月2日
On Sunday I sent an email (in hope) to Nicos website http://www.nicorosberg.com/en/contact/ and not seeing any email successes from him, wasnt expecting anything......But today (Tuesday) I received a letter sent 1st class from Monte Carlo and inside it there was a signed photo of Rosberg! My favourite autograph so far in my collection. Photo: - Sorry for the bad photo, took it from a webcam <img src=

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Nico Rosberg(Formula 1) success!! - 2012年9月13日
sent: june / july 2012 return: 13 september 2012 [germany<!-- s[germany --> 


Nico Rosberg
Rosberg Office
Gildo Pastor Center
7, rue du Gabian. MC 98000

sent him three pictures and SASE and became today one picture signed and two unsigned back. <!-- s<img src= --><img src= - - -

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