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Nicole Gale Andersonの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Nicole Gale Anderson success! - 2011年8月20日
Sent: July 25th Recieved: August 19th Sent a SASE, LOR, and a photo Recieved in my SASE two photos (mine and hers) signed with very sweet dedcqtion! I love Nicole. She's so sweet and talented. I will post pics tomorrow! She wrote a nice message to me. Used the address In the database. Nicole Gale Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 USA

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Nicole Gale Anderson SUCCESS!! - 2011年7月28日
Ive been a fan of Nicole for so long! I was disappointed when I saw that the pic she sent me wasnt the JONAS/JONAS LA promo! Personally, Im not a fan of the show, but it looked cool. Anyway, Im not complaining, its a great success, LOVE IT! <img src= <3 Sent: May 2nd 2011 (From Kuwait) SAE LOR Received: Jul 3rd 2011 (In Kuwait) (it said on the postage that it was on Jun 10 2011 though) Autographed photo in my SAE (We have an NY address that forwards our mail to us in Kuwait, thats the address I put on the SAE, so it probably came earlier than Jul 3rd over there.) Address used: Nicole Anderson Fan Mail P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023 Pic: - http://twitpic.com/5wpy73 Envelope: http://i51.tinypic.com/29oionl.jpg

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Nicole Gale Anderson Success :) - 2011年6月27日
Hi. I had got a success from Nicole Anderson a week ago. Sent:05/03.2011 LOR, Q&A, SAE, 2 photos Rcvd:06/16/2011 Q&A, 2 photos signed and personalized Envelope: Photos: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encinitas, CA 92023-1624 USA Thanks Fanmail! 8)

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Nicole Gale Anderson amazing success!!!! :D - 2011年6月14日
Sent: May 19, 2011 Recieved: June 14, 2011 I sent 1 photo, a drawing, a letter and a SASE I recieved my picture perzinalized, 1 of her own photos, and a picture of the JONAS LA cast in my SASE!!! Address used: Nicole Anderson P.O. Box 231624 Encihitas, CA 92023-1624 This is the fastest success I have ever gotten!!!

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