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Nina Youngの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Nina Young - Harry Potter - Success - 2012年10月9日
Thanks to everyone who helped me figure out who she was!! ------- Nina Young played the Grey Lady in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. This character is later revealed to be Helena Ravenclaw, daughter of Hogwarts co-founder Rowena Ravenclaw. This makes her the only House Ghost to be related to a founder. And is also the only House Ghost to appear after the second film, and the only one to be recast: she was replaced with Kelly Macdonald for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. sent: May 2012 received: October 9, 2012 took: 6ish months address used: (i think this is the one) Nina young international artistes 4th floor holborn hall 193-197 high holborn london wciv 7bd -

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nina young - 2012年1月19日
hey guys well today i got a other photo. it is from nina young from the harry potter movies i sent her a photo she sent it back sign. the fan mail i used was nina young international artistes 4th floor holborn hall 193-197 high holborn london wciv 7bd i sent it on 12-10-11 and got today on 01-19-12i will post the photo later

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Nina Young (Harry Potter) success! - 2011年12月8日
Sent a LOR, SASE and a picture on September 21st Received my picture in my SASE on December 5th Used the address in the database! Really happy with this success <img src= - -

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