Nina Youngの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):
Nina Young - Harry Potter - Success - 2012年10月9日 Thanks to everyone who helped me figure out who she was!!
Nina Young played the Grey Lady in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. This character is later revealed to be Helena Ravenclaw, daughter of Hogwarts co-founder Rowena Ravenclaw. This makes her the only House Ghost to be related to a founder. And is also the only House Ghost to appear after the second film, and the only one to be recast: she was replaced with Kelly Macdonald for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.
sent: May 2012
received: October 9, 2012
took: 6ish months
address used: (i think this is the one)
Nina young
international artistes
4th floor
holborn hall
193-197 high holborn
london wciv 7bd
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nina young - 2012年1月19日 hey guys well today i got a other photo. it is from nina young from the harry potter movies i sent her a photo she sent it back sign. the fan mail i used was
nina young
international artistes
4th floor
holborn hall
193-197 high holborn
london wciv 7bd
i sent it on 12-10-11 and got today on 01-19-12i will post the photo later |
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Nina Young (Harry Potter) success! - 2011年12月8日 Sent a LOR, SASE and a picture on September 21st
Received my picture in my SASE on December 5th
Used the address in the database!
Really happy with this success
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