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Noel Neillの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Noel Neill (lois lane) success? - 2013年8月12日
sent 7/16 received 8/12 sent1 5X7. received back signed. Any idea if its authentic? I think it may be a stamp . Used address in DB. Noel Neill Massac Theatre P.O. Box 181 Metropolis, IL 62960 USA - https://www.facebook.com/RicsAutographs

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Noel Neill Success - 2013年7月6日
Received my two photos back signed in black Sharpie from Noel Neill, the original Lois Lane in the Superman film serials. Noel Neill PO Box 181 Metropolis, IL 62960 Sent 6/19 Rec 7/6

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Noel Neill Success - 2013年1月6日
Known For:[list: [*:Lois Lane – Adventures of Superman[/*:m:[/list:u: Sent:[list: [*: LOR, SASE, B&W 8x10, name card & Blue sharpie on 12/24/2012[/*:m:[/list:u: Received:[list: [*: SASE, the same 8x10 and name card signed in Blue on 01/05/2013 (12 days) [/*:m:[/list:u: Address Used: [list: [* atabase[/*:m:[/list:u: - - -

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Noel Neill success - 2012年12月20日
I sent LOR, photo and SASE on Oct 15th and received signed photo on Dec 20th. the address I used is no longer valid since she has moved since then. NOEL NEILL Address Removed - -

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Noel Neill Success - 2012年11月11日
It took many months (may 12) but today (11/11) I received 4x5.5" photo from Ms Neill, for anyone unfamiliar with her she was Lois Lane on the tv series Superman. I used the address provided from the fan mail data base. -

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