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Norm Bulaichの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Norm Bulaich Football - 2023年2月21日
Norman Batton Bulaich (/?bu?l???/ BOO-lahsh; born December 25, 1946) is an American former professional football player who was a running back in the National Football League (NFL). The 6'1", 217-pound running back/fullback held the Colts single-game rushing record, 198 yards against the New York Jets on September 19, 1971, until the 2000 season when Edgerrin James broke the record by rushing for 219 yards. Played in Super Bowl V helping the Colts beat the Cowboys. Baltimore Colts (1970-1972) Philadelphia Eagles (1973-1974) Miami Dolphins (1975-1979) Sent him 2 cards on 27 Jan and got them back signed on 21 Feb. Mr Norm Bulaich 421 Lynndale Ct. Hurst, TX 76054

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Norm Bulaich (Baltimore Colt RB) success - 2011年8月5日
I sent a letter, card and SASE to Norm Bulaich (Former running back for the Baltimore Colts) on 7/26/11 and received my card personalized on 8/4/11. I was stoked because it he was such a great, bruising runner for the Colts. I love watching him and Don Nottingham run and now I have both of their cards autographed. My only disappointment is that I didnt have a card from his days with the Colts, but his card from the Eagles. I sent it to his home address (421 Lynndale Ct., Hurst, TX 76054) -

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