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Olly Mursの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Olly Murs Success :) - 2011年10月10日
Hello <img src= Today i received Olly Murs autograph <img src= delighted huge fan of his <img src= sent him a LOR, SASE few months back, used address in database, Olly Murs Modest! Management The Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Rd London, SW6 3BU UK. Picture - - Envelope - -

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Olly Murs Success! - 2011年9月17日
I sent a letter to Olly Murs on 20/03/2011 and recived a personlised photo back on 30/04/2011. Here's the address I used: Olly Murs, Modest! Manegement, The Matrix Complex, 91 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BU Hope this helps!

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Olly Murs Success! - 2011年8月16日
Sent a LOR, SASE and 6x4 picture to Olly on August 1st 2011. Received my picture back signed and also a picture of his own on August 15th 2011. Picture I sent him: Picture he sent: Sorry no envelope! Used address in database.

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Olly Murs Success - 2011年8月11日
Sorry for the late posts i have only just got round to taking pictures. Sent: May 17th Received: June 25th Address used Modest! Management 91a Peterborough Rd, London, SW6 3BU United Kingdom Check Out the pictures on my site here. Picture: 1 (I sent him this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =129957427 Picture: 2 (I sent him this photo) http://samsstarautographs.webs.com/apps ... =129957428

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Olly Murs x6 GREAT SUCCESS :D - 2011年7月27日
Sent on 9th July 2011- A Letter, 3 photo's, 2 index cards and SASE. Received Today (27th July 2011) - All my photos signed, Both my index cards signed and He also sent me a personalized photo!! MY BEST SUCCESS EVER!! So Happy. Also got sent back in a different envelope that i sent (maybe because the photo he sent me was bigger lol) so he ALSO paid for postage!! He is Truly AMAZING <3 Address I Used - Olly Murs, Modesti Management, The Matrix Complex, 91 Peterborough Rd, London, SW6 3BU U.K. Pictures Below (Click the links) Photos - Envelope - Would Love Opinions on if they are real or not : -Melissa.x

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