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Oscarの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 15ページ):

Oscar Pistorius Champion Sprinterand Paralympics - 2012年10月12日
Today Friday October 12th 2 Ossur autographs one for me and a friend. Letter: Dear It was great to hear from you and I appreciate your interest and good wishes. I enclosed a signed autograph as requested. Thank you fro your message of encouragement. I have loved being at the Olympics and Paralympics and competing against such awesome competition. Thanks again for your support! Your most sincerely OSCAR PISTORIUS Address: Oscar Pistorius c/o in-Site Athlete Management (Pty) Ltd PO Box 23234 Claremont CAPE TOWN South Africa 7735 Sorry no scanner. I was happy to get this Thanks Ossur and Fanmail Biz

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Oscar Pistorius (Paralympic champ) success - 2012年9月22日
I sent an email to Oscars website http://www.oscarpistorius.com/ on 28/08/12 recieved a signed 6X4 on 21/09/12 Photo & envelope: - im so happy he is such an inspriation!

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Oscar Pistorius Success!! - 2012年9月13日
[color=#0000FF9/12/12[/color Today, in the mail, I got the autograph of OSCAR PISTORIUS! For those of you who watched the Olympic running races with Usain Bolt in the 200m and the 400m, he is the one with the double-amputee legs, and he is from South Africa. I sent a request through his website, so this could be classified as an e-mail success. Comment for pictures!! [color=#804080~Sahil[/color

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Oscar Pistorius Success - 2012年8月29日
Hi I sent an email through on Oscar's website on the 21.8.12. I got in a envelope a signed picture & letter on the 29.8.12. Took: 8 days. I'm so happy to have got a success as he is such an inspiration to everyone. Picture:

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Caroll Spinney - Big Bird and Oscar from Sesame Street - 2012年4月27日
Sent: fan letter, 8x10 cast photo, SASE on March 26 and received on April 26 my signed cast photo and 2 additional 8x10s and piece of cardboard with drawing. The photos he included are the individual B&W of Big Bird and the 8x10 photo from Follow that Bird. I don't remember including the piece of cardboard but he sent one signed with a drawing of Big Bird. I am very happy with this success. This was the address I used: Caroll Spinney Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 USA This is the photo he sent from Follow That Bird. [img This is the 1977 Sesame Street cast photo I sent (bought on eBay). This is the individual 8x10 of Big Bird that he sent. This is the drawing on the cardboard that he sent. Here is the envelope. He didn't draw on it like he has for some but he did write his return address on it.

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