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Oscar Nunezの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Oscar Nunez (The Office) SUCCESS! - 2019年11月12日
I sent a letter, SASE, and photo on October 20th and today I received it back signed! Address used: Mr. Oscar Nunez Omnipop Talent Group, Inc. 4605 Lankershim Blvd. Suite 201 Toluca Lake, CA 91602 http://surfmypictures.com/image/91463f007ad046d6/4fwnn.html

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Oscar Nunez fantastic success - 2016年5月14日
I sent a LOR, SASE, and one 5x7 photo to Oscar Nunez via the address in the database on April 2nd and received a response today, May 14th, for a total of 42 days (or 6 weeks). Oscar is probably best known for playing a character with the same name on the US version of The Office, but he's appeared in a bunch of different shows and a handful of films over the years as well. It's an awesome personalized autograph: I usually pick neutral-looking stationery but the one I used was a little more decorated than usual, and he must have liked it because he drew a little picture of the design! <img src= This is what it looked like, for reference:

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Oscar Nunez success! - 2014年8月28日
Sent: LOR, SASE, 4x6 to address in database on 7/28 Received: 4x6 signed and personalized on 8/25 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Oscar Nunez (The Office) Success! - 2012年2月26日
I am a huge fan of "The Office" so I am so happy I got this back! Mr. Nunez plays Oscar Martinez. <img src= I sent a 4x6 color photo, a LOR, and a SASE. I received my photo back signed and personalized. Someday I hope to have autographs from the whole cast! <img src= Sent: August 2011 Recieved: November 2011 -

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