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Paige O'Haraの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Paige O'Hara SUCCESS! - 2021年11月26日
I sent a letter, SASE and (2) 4x6 photos on November 14th and today I received both back signed! Address used: Mrs. Paige O’Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir. Henderson, NV 89074-6155

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Paige O'Hara (Voice Actress) Success - 2017年7月13日
I sent a LOR, a photo, and SASE to Paige O'Hara 6/5/17 Today 7/13/17 received my photo back signed and personalized!! Address used: Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson, NV 89074

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Paige O'Hara (Voice of Belle- Disney) Success!! - 2017年5月1日
Sent: 4/10/2017 3 photos Received: 5/01/2017 3 photos signed Address is the one in the database Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson, NV 89074-6155 USA Paige is fantastic as Belle so I'm pleased with this! Hopefully everyone else gets successes back from her as well

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Paige O'Hara success - 2017年2月17日
Sent: LoR, SASE, 2 4x6 photos Received: 2 4x6 photos signed. Got this right on Valentine's Day. So happy! Sent: January 6, 2017 Received: February 14, 2017 Address Used: Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson NV 89074-6155 USA

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Paige O'Hara Success (Beauty And The Beast, Voice of Belle) - 2017年2月14日
Received the 4x6 photo back that I had sent, signed! Thanks Ms. O'Hara and fanmail.biz, another cool success! Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson NV 89074-6155

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