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Paige O'Haraの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Paige O'Hara Success - 2017年2月12日
Paige O'Hara, American actress (voice of Belle in "Beauty and the Beast") Sent: LOR, photo, and SASE on January 9, 2017 Address Used: 2406 Legacy Island Cir, Henderson, NV 89074-6155 Received: Photo, signed and personalized, on February 9, 2017 Photo: She is my 70th success from an American, and 6th success from an official Disney Legend! I wrote to her in my letter that I would soon be conducting "Beauty and the Beast" at our school and it was really cool to hear back from her in advance of the show!

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Paige O'Hara Disney great success! - 2017年2月10日
On 1/09/2017 I mailed a letter explaining how I thought Ms. O'Hara did a great job playing as Belle in Disney Beauty and the Beast and how she inspires me, a picture of me as a gift to her, $5 as a gift for her to donate to charity, and a SASE to Ms. Paige O’Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson, NV 89074 (took about 5 weeks) Received a handwritten letter and a personalize message on a picture of her with Disney Belle on 2/09/2017 Here is the link:

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Paige O'Hara Success! - 2017年1月10日
Sent letter and photo to Paige O' Hara using address in database and today I received my photo back signed and personalised

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Paige O'Hara Success - 2017年1月1日
Sent LOR, 1 photo and 1 drawing my daughter did to Las Vegas address in database on 12/22/16. Received back signed 12/31/16. Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson NV 89074-6155 USA Photo: Drawing:

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Paige O'Hara success - 2016年12月8日
On 11.26.16, sent LOR, SASE, & 8x10. Received my picture back signed on 12.5.16. Address: Paige O'Hara 2406 Legacy Island Cir Henderson NV 89074-6155 USA Uploaded with

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