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Pat Booneの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):

Pat Boone - 2015年2月18日
So happy to get this one! Sent to Pat Boone about 3 weeks ago using address on this site. Got photo back signed and personalised plus another signed personalised photo!

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Pat Boone success - 2013年10月30日
Sent a LOR, photo and SASE on 10/15/2013 Received photo signed and personalized on 10/29/2013 Address used (from database): Pat Boone Pat Boone Enterprises, Inc. 9220 Sunset Blvd., Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA 90069 -

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Pat Boone success - 2012年12月13日
I sent a letter, photo and SASE on Oct 26th and received personalized photo on Nov 14th. I discarded all mailing envelopes before joining site - so I have no scan of that. The address I used was: PAT BOONE PAT BOONE ENTERPRISES, INC. 9220 SUNSET BLVD. SUITE 310 LOS ANGELES, CA 90069 -

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Pat Boone - success! - 2012年10月5日
Mailed Pat Boone a still from Journey to the Center of the Earth with a note about how it's my father-in-law's favorite movie. Mr. Boone autographed it personally and wrote a couple lines. I sent it a couple weeks ago hoping to get it by Christmas - only took two weeks round trip. I'm not an autograph collector - just wanted a gift for my father-in-law, who will be delighted. Used the address here.

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Pat Boone - 2011年12月28日
Hi all, December 5th 2011 I sent off a DVD cover Journey to the Center of the Earth to Pat Boone, the signed cover arrived back on the 28th of December. Im really very happy as this is one of my all time favourite movies. The address I used was: Pat Boone Enterprises, Inc. 9220 Sunset Blvd. Suite 310 Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA - -

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