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Patrick Stewartの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 6ページ):

Sir Patrick Stewart - success - 2019年9月23日
Sent LOR, SASE, and a photo to be signed and got it back today. I am a really big fan of Sir Patrick Stewart, so this is a great success for me. Sent: February 3rd 2019 Received: September 23rd 2019 Address used: Patrick Stewart Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London, W1T 2RH UK https://ibb.co/5YPJzKw https://ibb.co/dL1m2DV https://de.imgbb.com/upload image

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Patrick Stewart disappointing SUCCESS - 2019年2月15日
Sent LoR, SASE, and 3 8x10 to Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart c/o Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London, W1T 2RH UK Sent Oct 2018 Recv'd my SASE back today with only one (1) 8x10 photo that was extremely water damaged and completed ruined It looked like the photo was signed but it was so damaged that it was hard to tell Very disappointed and not even worth the effort of a pic

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Patrick Stewart SUCCESS - 2019年2月12日
I sent a LOR, SASE and a picture to Patrick Stewart on 11/04/2018 and got my picture back signed and personalized on 02/12/2019. http://surfmypictures.com/image/d418b0df15d307c1/koddf.html Used address: Patrick Stewart Independent Talent Group 40 Whitfield Street London, W1T 2RH United Kingdom

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Sent picture/SASE/letter on 10/22/18 and received back on 12/17/18 signed. Patrick Stewart Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London, W1T 2RH UK http://surfmypictures.com/image/cc2635b4a35e7bce/sih1s.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/cc2635b4a35e7bce/sih1s/img284.jpg Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Sir Patrick Stewart Success!!! - 2018年11月19日
On August 24th, 2018, I mailed out an 8x10 photo, fan letter, and SASE to Sir Patrick Stewart at: Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London, W1T 2RH U.K. Because the US postal service no longer offers IRCs and cannot predict British postage, I just threw a $20 inside the envelope to cover it. Over the past month, I've seen people get responses from him and was starting to worry that mine had not reached him. Today I went to get the mail and was delighted to find a brown envelope waiting for me from Sir Patrick! I tore it open like a kid on Christmas and was ecstatic when I saw that he had personalized it and signed it for me. Christmas came early this year!!

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