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Patti Yasutakeの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Patti Yasutake(ST:TNG) Success - 2012年1月26日
Sent Ms. Yasutake LOR, SASE and 2 ST:Next Generation pics on 9-26-11 to Kyle Fritz Mgmt. address in database. Received both back signed plus two extra, each with a nice note, on 1-25-12. Two I sent: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... 0009-5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... 0008-7.jpg Two she sent: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... 0011-8.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v72/u ... 0010-5.jpg

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Patti Yasutake (Star Trek: TNG) EPIC success x4!! - 2011年9月22日
Okay, this is now the top of my Star Trek TTM efforts so far: On 07/08/11 sent 3x 8x10s, LOR and SASE to: Patti Yasutake c/o Kyle Fritz Management 6325 Heather Drive Hollywood, CA 90068 Heres what I got back Sep 2011... First, the envelope: - Fine. Next, my first 8x10, from ST:TNG... It reads "To Jonathan, Your appreciation as both cultural & medical science "brethren" is double special so a BIG THANK YOU! for your thoughtful letter and support. Its amazing to have been (& always be!) part of such an exceptional show.) ST:TNG All Good Things Always, Patti Yasutake." OutSTANDing! - Okay, her message continues on my next 8x10, from ST: Generations... It reads "To Jonathan, It was exciting during the 1st TNG movie. Besides another promotion, enjoyed the "stunt" (sad the ship crashes - but fun to fly across the room on a bed!) "Stay Well" Patti Yasutake ST: Generations" Also fantastic! I loved the added insight, and I didnt even have to send a gold marker! <img src= -

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