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Paul Bissonnetteの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Paul Bissonnette (former NHL player) Success - 2015年3月24日
29/11/2014: I sent a letter of request, 3 8x10 photos and a SASE to former Arizona Coyotes player Paul Bissonnette c/o Portland Pirates. Unfortunately Paul was released by this AHL team shortly after and signed with another AHL team Manchester Monarchs. I did not expect to hear anything back since he had left Portland. 24/03/2015: Received all 3 photos back, all 3 signed, one of them personalised, in my SASE. This was 2 weeks after Paul had sent me a direct message on Twitter (he went through the trouble of looking me up) to thank me for the letter which he had only just received. He had attached a picture of one of the signed photos and promised to return them asap. Class guy! Bissonnette is/was no NHL superstar but he played in the UK for a while during the most recent NHL lockout and was definitely a star in the British Elite Ice Hockey League. Address used (but not longer valid, he plays for Manchester Monarchs now): Paul Bissonnette c/o Portland Pirates 94 Free Street Portland, Maine 04101 USA

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