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Paul Kayeの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Paul Kaye TTM Success - 2015年11月14日
23/08/15 Sent 2 photos, LOR and SASE to address in database 6/11/15 both pictures signed and personalised Paul Kaye The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London, W1W 6XD UK

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Paul Kaye - Game of Thrones - success - 2015年11月4日
Address: Paul Kaye The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London, W1W 6XD England 03.08.2015 - 04.11.2015 2 photos personalized and signed Scans: https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme Please <img src= my facebook page <img src=

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Paul Kaye Game Of Thrones success! - 2015年7月27日
I wrote to Paul on the 1st June 2015, enclosing an LOR, SAE and a photo. Today, the 27th July 2015, I received my photo back, signed and personalised with a cool inscription. Thanks Paul! Address used as per db: Paul Kaye The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London, W1W 6XD UK Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Paul Kaye ( Game of Thrones) success - 2015年3月23日
Sent letter, SASE and Picture to Paul Kaye (played Thoros of Myr in GoT) around middle of Feb, received back end of last week (so about 1 months turnaround). Link to Picture on my site: http://carlscelebritysignedpics.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/paul-kaye-game-of-thrones-lilyhammer.html Link to envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/73629e4 ... 4090m.html Used this address: The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London, W1W 6XD

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Paul Kaye (Game of Thrones) success - 2013年4月29日
Got my custom card back signed. Mailed 4/15/13...Recv.4/29/13 Mailed to:Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3, De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XD United Kingdom -

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