Paul O'Gradyの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 5ページ):
Paul O'Grady email success! - 2014年1月23日 Today marks the arrival of my 156th success and the first for 2014! Wooo! ^^
On Sunday (19/1/14) I sent an email to Paul through his BBC radio two email address and received a signed photograph in the post today!
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Paul O'Grady Q+A success - 2013年11月6日 I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Paul on: 31st October 2013, and today I recieved a card back from him, answering my questions
address I used was:
Paul O'Grady,
Knoll Hill House,
Knoll Hill,
TN25 7BZ
Here is the pic:  |
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Paul O'Grady pp success - 2013年10月31日 I sent a letter and SAE to Paul on: 23rd September 2013, and yesterday I recieved this pp photo back, plus a letter from his agent.
address I used was:
Paul O'Grady,
Here are the pics:
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Paul O'Grady success - 2013年3月26日 Sent: SAE & LOR on the 26th February 2013
Received: Signed photo and a letter yesterday, 25th March 2013
The fanmail address I used.
Paul O'Grady
BM Creative Management Ltd.
Aldwych House
81 Aldwych
UK |
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Paul O'Grady success (pp) - 2011年9月17日 Sent 2nd September 2011
Rec'd 14th September 2011
I sent a LOR & SAE to:
BM Creative Management Ltd
Aldwych House
81 Aldwych
and received a pre-printed photo and a nice letter from his management (see link below)
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