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Paulineの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Pauline Quirke success - 2014年4月8日
I sent a letter and SAE to Pauline on: 17th February 2014, and on Saturday I recieved this signed and personalized photo back from her. address I used was: Pauline Quirke, QMS, Custodia House, Queensmead Road, Loudwater, Bucks HP10 9XA Here is the pic: Uploaded with

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Pauline Moran ('Poirot' Ms. Lemon) fast e-mail SUCCESS! - 2013年12月18日
Pauline Moran, a British actress, who is known for 'Poirot' Ms. Lemon e-mail via her official site -> Google.com (info found at FanMail.biz in Forum) FAST personalized great envelope with stiff cardboard Sent: ca. 10.12.13 ? Received: 18.12.13 from the UK to Germany I thank Mrs. Moran and FanMail.biz very much for this great opportunity to get an excellent autograph to my collection! Uploaded with Uploaded with

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Pauline Moran success (e-mail) - 2013年11月2日
[color=#0000FFSent on august 2013[/color e-mail: author at astrumastrology.com [color=#0000FFRecieved on 28.09.2013[/color

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Pauline Moran Success - 2013年9月3日
Pauline Moran Ken McReddie Associates 101 Finsbury Pavement London EC2A 1RS UK Receive: 03.09.2013

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Pauline McLynn (Mrs Doyle) Success :D - 2013年2月14日
[i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif"> Sent Pauline an LOR, SASE & 2 Photo's February 4th 2013, and received my 2 photo's back today signed Delighted with this success Address used, Lisa Richards Agency, 108 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4. Photo - Photo - Envelope -[/color[/i

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