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Penn and Tellerの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 9ページ):

Penn and Teller Success - 2017年9月1日
Sent them an email http://www.pennandteller.com/wordpress/contact/ on 23rd August, from the UK, arrived today 1st September. Really kind of them. <img src= Love these guys so much. Annnnd this is my first US success! Photo of autographs and envelope: http://i.imgur.com/tDcEUJt.jpg

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Penn and Teller Email Success - 2017年7月18日
Sent email to { Email Address } on 7/12/17 Received photo on 7/18/17 Very happy about this success, and it was so quick, too!

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Penn and Teller Email Success - 2017年4月22日
I sent an email to Penn and Teller on April 13, 2017. Today on April 22, I received an autographed photo! Email Address Used: { Email Address } Photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/18d5fc6 ... n2w47.html

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Penn and teller - 2016年7月5日
Went to Penn and teller's website http://pennandteller.com/ and sent a request in, took about a month and i got a 8 by 10 photo autograph: http://surfmypictures.com/image/25083a8 ... n9rp4.html

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Extra Penn and Tellers received - 2016年2月1日
Last year on 7-20-15 I requested an autograph via the official Penn & Teller website and received it on 8-1-15. That was awesome! Oddly enough, I received another one on 1-29-16 and again today on 2-1-16, despite not having requested them. These are three of the same photos, btw. Has this happened to anyone else? I've already emailed their website to explain the error. Unless they ask me to return them, I'm giving them as birthday gifts for my friends this month.

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