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Peter Garrettの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Peter Garrett Singer Midnight Oil - 2019年11月15日
Midnight Oil (known informally as "The Oils") are an Australian rock band composed of Peter Garrett (vocals, harmonica), Rob Hirst (drums), Jim Moginie (guitar, keyboard), Martin Rotsey (guitar) and Bones Hillman (bass guitar). The group was formed in Sydney in 1972 by Hirst, Moginie and original bassist Andrew James as Farm: they enlisted Garrett the following year, changed their name in 1976, and hired Rotsey a year later. Peter Gifford served as bass player from 1980–1987. Peter Robert Garrett AM (born 16 April 1953 in Wahroonga, Sydney) is an Australian musician, environmentalist, activist and former politician. Garrett became a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2003 "For service to the community as a prominent advocate for environmental conservation and protection, and to the music industry." Garrett is the lead singer of the Australian rock band Midnight Oil. Sent him 2 photos on 25 Sep and got them back signed on 15 Nov. Lead Singer [youtubeejorQVy3m8E[/youtube [youtube16bFBzx7I_0[/youtube [youtubeQPhIVHA5i-E[/youtube The Honorable Peter Garrett AM PO Box 126 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Australia

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