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Peter Jasonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Actor Peter Jason, success - 2023年10月23日
Sent LOR, SASE and one 5x7 to Peter Jason, 410 Huntley Dr, W. Hollywood, CA 90048 on 10/11/23. Received photo back signed, personalized and with character name that I asked for too today 10/23/23. http://surfmypictures.com/image/a01037798b94d701/qev4x.html

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Peter Jason Actor - 2023年7月8日
Peter Edward Ostling (born July 22, 1944), also known as Peter Jason, is an American character actor. He has appeared in over eighty films and a hundred television series. He played Con Stapleton in the series Deadwood. He was a frequent collaborator with Walter Hill and John Carpenter on their films, eight and six times respectively. He voiced Sergeant Dornan in the video game Fallout 2. He starred in supporting roles for the films 48 Hrs. and Arachnophobia. Sent him 2 photos on Jun 26 and got them back signed on Jul 8 Mr Peter Jason 410 Huntley Dr W. Hollywood, CA 90048

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Peter Jason success - 2016年10月23日
Actor who performs in many plays, movies, and TV commercials, including Desperate Housewives and Deadwood. Jason has appeared in 12 Walter Hill films, 7 John Carpenter films, has acted in over 100 commercials and plays, and appeared in many TV shows. He also confirmed that he played the voice of Dizzy Wallin in Gears of War 2 and its sequel, Gears of War 3. He is also credited for voicing Sergeant Dornan in Fallout 2. He also appeared the Eddie Murphy film, 48 Hrs., as the "Cowboy Bartender." Murphy's character harasses him at the bar "Torchy's". In 1990 Jason played Henry Beechwood in the horror-comedy Arachnophobia. mailed photo 9-12-16 received signed 9-30-16 used: private resident address West Hollywood, CA Note: per admin and other people who have complained here I won't post private address for privacy reasons. http://surfmypictures.com/image/4b7ba34 ... vyl33.html

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Peter Jason - RTS - 2012年4月16日
Hi there, I sent a letter to the actor Peter Jason at: Diverse Talent Group, 9911 W Pico Blvd, Suite 350W. Los Angeles, CA. 90035. USA. Sent 2 April 2012. received back 16th April 2012. Marked as "Return to sender: Not deliverable as addressed. Unable to forward" Do you have another address, please? ps: Does it make any difference that on the Diverse Talent website they give their address as "Pico Blvd" and not "W. Pico Blvd" as it states on the fanmail page??

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