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Petula Clarkの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

PETULA CLARK - 2014年5月27日
I have send e-mail : http://www.petulaclark.net/contactinfo Our with my daughter Helen sait : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru -

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Petula Clark success - 2014年3月27日
Sent 28.02.2014 Received 27.03.2014 claudewolff at vtx.ch -

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PETULA CLARK - 2014年3月13日
I have send e-mail : http://www.petulaclark.net/contactinfo Our with my daughter Helen sait : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru -

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Petula Clark email fast success - 2014年2月28日
see the signed photo here: Petula Clark is an English singer, actress, and composer that sold more than 68 million records. During the 1960s she became known globally for her popular upbeat hits, including "Downtown", "I Know a Place", "My Love", "Colour My World", "A Sign of the Times", and "Don't Sleep in the Subway" used the address found on her website received 24 February, 10 days after my email request cheers 8)

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Dame Petula Clark Great Success - 2013年3月25日
Sent: 23 February 2012, LOR, SAE Received: 25 March, 1 photo signed Address used: Dame Petula Clark Claude Wolff 15, chemin Rieu 1208 Geneva Switzerland Photo: - Envelope: -

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