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Phil Knightの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Phil Knight (Nike founder) Success - 2019年3月2日
I received a success from Nike co-founder and former CEO, Phil Knight. He was also elected to the basketball Hall of Fame in 2012 as a contributor. I received my index card signed along with a signed letter from him as well. Sent: 12/13/18 Received: 2/22/19 Sent to: Mr. Phil Knight C/O Nike Inc One Bowerman Dr Beaverton, OR 97005 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a51d0f1657d8b01f/gt2zb.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/a51d0f1657d8b01f/96m0w.html

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Success - Philip Knight - Co Founder of Nike (Phil Knight) - 2016年11月13日
wrote to Mr Knight who is the Chairman of the Board and Co Founder of Nike. Inc in the month of April 2016. Today i got a nice letter peronally signed by him along with a picture. I sent a SASE but no picture along with monies for return postage. His office used my envelope but sent the monies back. That's very nice of them to do so. Only thing is that the letter he wrote is dated May 24, 2016 but i got it today after six months. Maybe they kept the letter ready when they received my request letter and probably Mr Knight could sign it only now. Used the address in the data base. Phil Knight Nike World Headquarters One Bowerman Drive Beaverton, OR 97005 USA Enclosing the letter and signed picture. Happy with this one as i have a lot of respect for Mr Knight and the amazing brand Nike which he has founded. Legend in his own right !! http://surfmypictures.com/image/a3d9618 ... ktjwc.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/a3d9618 ... i4njh.html

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Phil Knight Co-founder and Chairman of Nike, Inc. - 2015年7月20日
Received Letter and Signed photo using the address here in the data base

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