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Philip Birdの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Philip Bird (Doctor Who Success) - 2020年9月8日
After listening to a podcast with the main man in mid August, I set about finding him in the episode he featured in and sent a photo and my Power of Kroll VHS cover off to him on 20th August 2020 and the stuff came back on 3rd September 2020 All the stuff is below, the photo is now in a frame http://surfmypictures.com/image/c4318b6c67f90dd9/9j2r3.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Philip Bird (Sapphire and Steel) Success - 2016年8月17日
on 4th August 2016 I wrote to Philip Bird at Angel and Francis Ltd. 1st Floor, 12 D'Arblay Street, London W1F 8DU and yesterday got my photo back signed, it's a screengrab from episode 4 of the fourth Sapphire and Steel story, coloquially known as "Photographs" SUSAN ANGEL & KEVIN FRANCIS LTD Susan Angel/Kevin Francis/Ryan Dixon 1st Floor, 12 D'Arblay Street, London W1F 8DU Sorry, I don't have the envelope.

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Philip Bird ( Sapphire and Steel ) Success - 2015年5月11日
Sent off on 22nd March 2015 and today got my photo back signed and he sent a short note apologising for the delay as things went a bit west regarding the time it took. Below is a scan of the photo and a photo of the envelope it came in plus a photo of the little note. Sent to SUSAN ANGEL & KEVIN FRANCIS LTD Susan Angel/Kevin Francis/Ryan Dixon 1st Floor, 12 D'Arblay Street, London W1F 8DU

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