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Philip Easonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Philip Eason Success - 2014年10月22日
I emailed Philip Eason http://www.phileason.com/ (Puppeteer) on the 14th October [quote ear Phil, My name is Gareth and Im a huge fan. Ive been a fan for 25 years, having become a fan when worked on Labyrinth and when you later controlled Yaddle In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace I understand that you are a busy person, but please could it be possible to send you a 4x6 photo of Yaddle to sign I will enclose in the letter a stamped, self addressed envelope for your convenience. Again thank you again for taking the time to read my email and for any future reply. [/quote: I got a reply via email on 15th October with an address to a work location (which I wont state because it is time sensitive) I sent off my usual pack of LoR, 4x6 Photo and the 1st Class Stamped SAE on the 16th October I got my reply today with the SAE being sealed down with sticky tape, inside were my signed photo and a piece of A4 folded. Proof - -

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