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Philip Lowrieの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Barbara Knox and Philip Lowrie success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年11月21日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE addressed to both Barbara and Philip as well as 4 others in one envelope on: 18th December 2012, and today I recieved my photo back signed by both Barbara and Philip. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Philip Lowrie (Coronation St) - 2013年3月26日
I sent a letter and SASE to Philip as well as 9 others in one envelope on 18/03/2013 to the Coronation St address in the database and on the 26/03/2013 i received this signed personalised photo from him. -

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Philip Lowrie success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月7日
I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Philip as well as 8 others in one envelope on: 10th December 2013, and yesterday I recieved my photos back signed and personalized <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here are the pics: - -

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Philip Lowrie confirmation and thanks ( Coronation Street) - 2013年1月26日
I sent some chocolates as a Thankyou to Philip on: 14th January 2013, i sent a letter and SAE to Philip as well as 3 others in one big envelope on: 17th January 2013, asking if he recieved them, and today I recieved this signed and personalized photo back from him, and on the back he said thanks for the chocolates. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here are the pics: - -

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Philip Lowrie success ( Coronation Street) - 2011年10月21日
I sent a photo had I had taken with him, a few weeks ago, letter and SAE to Philip on: 6th October 2011, and today I recieved my pics back signed. <img src= address I used was: Philip Lowrie, c/o Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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