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Philip Winchesterの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Mr. Philip Winchester Chicago Justice - 2017年8月11日
Mr. Philip Winchester played in Chicago Justice as Assistant State Attorney Peter Stone. On 4/25/2017 I mailed a letter explaining how I think that he does a great job playing in Chicago Justice including who I like the show, a picture of me when I visited Chicago, and an SASE Envelope to Mr. Philip Winchester Chicago Justice Season 1 c/o Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 (took about 5 months) On 8/11/2017 I received a nice personalize message on a picture of him. I wished that Chicago Justice could have been renewed for a season 2. Also I'm not sure if this via venue address is still working or not since NBC canceled the show. Here is the link: http://mwinick.blogspot.com/2017/08/mr- ... stice.html

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Philip Winchester success - 2016年1月30日
Sent him a 8X10 November 15, 2015 and recieved the photo back with auto and inscription on January 26, 2016. I sent it to his London, U.K. talent agency: Independent Talent Group Ltd. 40 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RH But the package came back to me with a Bozeman, Montana, USA return address. Weird? I think maybe he was on location for a show/movie?

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Philip Winchester (Fringe, Strike Back) success - 2013年1月11日
Got my custom card back signed. I got lucky. He usually is in the UK or filming in South Africa. But, when I contacted UTA. They said he was in the states for a short while. Mailed 11/19/12...Recv.1/11/13 Mailed to:United Talent Agency (UTA) 9336 Civic Center Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 -

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