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Pittsburgh Steelersの直筆サイン入り写真 (9 / 9ページ):

Brett Keisel (Pittsburgh Steelers) Success - 2011年8月23日
I sent 2 "Fear the Beard" photos and a Superbowl XL card to Mr. Keisel on 7/29/11. Address used is no longer valid: Training Camp c/o Saint Vincent College. I received all 3 items signed on 8/19/11. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/brettkeisel.jpg

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James Farrior (Pittsburgh Steelers) Success - 2011年8月23日
I sent Mr. Farrior, on 7/27/11, a Superbowl XL card and 5x7 photo that I took of him at a pre-season game a few years ago. Address used is no longer valid: Training Camp c/o Saint Vincent College. I received both items signed and personalized on 8/23/11. He also wants me to send him a copy of the photo that I took! How awesome is that?! I will be sending it out to him later this week. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... arrior.jpg

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Heath Miller Success (Pittsburgh Steelers TE) - 2011年8月5日
Item: Superbowl XLIII Mini-Football Sent to: Heath Miller c/o Steelers Saint Vincent College 300 Fraser Purchase Road Latrobe, PA 15650 Sent on: 7/28/2011 Received Item signed and personalized on 8/5/2011 Included a letter, Sharpie marker, and self-addressed and postage paid box. HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GO!!! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/dsc02538i.jpg

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Troy Polamlau Surprise or Success? (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 2011年7月23日
Sent Mr. Polamalu a card about 3 months ago yesterday got the card back unsigned, but there was a typed letter with his signature at the bottom. Sort of a surprise and success I guess! Sent to: c/o Steelers The letter is to large to upload here so here is a link to view it if you want. - -

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Troy Polamalu response (Pittsburgh Steelers) - 2011年7月23日
Sent LOR, SASE and a photo to the Steelers address last November. They sent the photo back with a short form letter. This is the letter: http://img585.imageshack.us/i/imagetcts.jpg/

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